Trish Chambers
Historical Performances
Ideal for:
Engaging educational presentations
(middle school and up)Senior centers and groups
Museums and cultural organizations
History and literature clubs and organizations
Women’s history, American history and
African American history programmingBaby boomer audiences
Rosie the Riveter and Her Sisters – The Women of World War II
Rosie the Riveter is the story of the women who sustained our nation and its troops during WWII. Rosie and her sisters changed America forever, not only by their work during the war by also by expanding the presence of women in the workplace, the arts and professions. The presentation explores how they proved their capabilities by stepping into the places of the men who went to war, what they accomplished in jobs and situations that were considered outside the sphere of women, and how they paved the way for the feminist revolution of the 60’s.
Jane Austen – Her Life and Times
The presentation will cover the realities of English Society at the time of Jane Austen’s life and literary career. It will discuss what a woman’s life was like at the time, what was expected of her and what options were open to her. The performance will explore how Jane Austen portrayed society in her 6 major works, how the personalities of her heroines developed over the span of her novels and how events and experiences of her personal life are reflected in her writing. Trish will also offer some opinions on why her work is still so popular today.
Flappers – Women of the 1920’s
It was a period of American history that drove significant changes in how society perceived and accepted women. It was also a time of meteoric growth for our country and its women. The presentation discusses the emergence of American women from the demure Gibson Girl to the flashing Flapper. Also discussed are the impacts of WWI on society, and the influences of literature, movies, and art on how women were perceived and the fashion of the time.
The Legend of Freedom Quilts and the Underground Railroad
The presentation discusses the history, legends and personal stories that make up the rich heritage associated with the Underground Railroad. It explores how African traditions and the use of story cloths documented the history of tribes and set the stage for the slaves to learn the lessons needed for survival during their arduous journey to freedom. African slave songs (Spirituals) and the lessons contained in them are also discussed. Using a facsimile of a freedom quilt, the presentation also shares one family’s legend regarding the use of quilt patterns and the survival lessons associated with them.
Women At the Turn of the Century (1880-1920)
At the turn of the century societies’ perception of women was in transition, due to the changes going on in the country. Technology, urbanization and immigration are driving changes in the social and economic status of women. The presentation discusses their advancement into the professions, arts and business. It discusses how women take the initiative to drive social change and innovative approaches to serious social issues like health, public welfare and suffrage while improving their own position in society.
Civil War Women: Their Roles and Legacies
The world of women became more complex than knitting socks and baking bread during the Civil War. They were left behind to fend for themselves, to manage homes, businesses and plantations, roles that until the war had been traditionally performed by men. The presentation discusses changes in society, economics and traditions that would redefine the roles of women forever. Explore the amazing accomplishments of these brave women of the North and South who supported the war effort as nurses, spies, soldiers, government workers, authors, lecturers and fundraisers. Discover how their will to survive the war and create a future for themselves and their families drove them from their traditional roles and into a new world for women. See how their legacies paved a pathway for women of the future.
Women Soldiers and Spies Of the Civil War
This presentation addresses those women who chose to become soldiers and spies during the Civil War. See how their ingenuity allowed them to perform successfully in both these endeavors. Learn why they selected the path they did and how they were able to function effectively as soldiers and influence history as spies.
Alexander Hamilton: The Man Who Made Modern America
The presentation is the story of Alexander Hamilton, one of the Founding Fathers of our country. It highlights the life of a brilliant immigrant and self-made man. The story is a timeline that traces his life from its meager beginnings of poverty and illegitimacy through his military, civic and political career, to his untimely death in 1804. Alexander Hamilton introduced many concepts that are part of our lives today. These concepts are discussed and explored.